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Your 12-Month Guide to Maintaining an Online Presence

Do you seek to increase your business’ bottom line without breaking a sweat or purging your purse? Then it is high time you built a strong online presence. Yes, you must make your business visible! In the modern-day business world, a brick-and-mortar setup can only earn you so much revenue. Thus, you must establish ways…

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You Have a Professionally Built Website. What Do You Do Now?

Having an online presence and, more so, a website is something you cannot ignore. Most businesses do not have a professionally built website due to fear of the costs of building one. They also feel that websites may be irrelevant to their operations. Regardless of the industry, having a website can significantly impact the success…

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8 Signs of a Professional Web Design Team (+ 4 Red Flags)

The digital era has brought about new possibilities for running a business. More companies are leveraging websites to connect with their customers and generate revenue. You don’t want to be among the 28% of the small companies that don’t have websites.  Your website is your identity in the digital marketing world, and it is the…

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19 Things Every Consulting Business Website Needs

How can you make a consulting business website that is professional, authentic, and effective?  If you are a consultant or independent expert, you must attract customers to your website. Customers will only visit your website if it has useful and practical things. A well-designed website is the first component of your business that your customers…

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Why You Need a Professional Website to Get Found Online

Becoming an independent consultant in your field of expertise opens a world of opportunities and allows you a certain level of flexibility/freedom. However, that is not achievable without a website despite the advice, guidance, or services you offer. That means that you cannot afford to rely on professional networks, social media, and other third-party profiles only….

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The Top 10 Dangers of “Affordable” Websites

In the competitive world of web development, there is a growing number of self-professed “web designers” who make a living by building “affordable” websites for new business owners. Unfortunately, many budget-conscious new business owners are lured by the prospect of an “affordable” website, and fail to carefully evaluate their web designer. Below are the top…

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The Top 10 Reasons Why No One Cares How Long You’ve Been in Business

As recently as the 1990s, consumers would base a decision to purchase on a company’s industry experience or a total number of years in business. This trend has since reversed to the point that many customers proactively seek a business that is a newcomer to the market. This is especially the case in the modern…

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32 Website Tips Still Relevant in 2021

Your Website Needs An SSL Certificate If you don’t have an SSL certificate installed on your site, Google will flag your site as insecure. Even on a “simple brochure website.” The good thing is that most hosting companies work with Let’s Encrypt to provide you with a free SSL certificate to help you protect your…

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How To Grab People’s Attention On LinkedIn With Emojis

It feels so weird to be talking about Emojis when talking about LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the professional network and people on LinkedIn are all about business. Why would we want to talk about using what are essentially little cartoons on a professional social platform full of businesspeople? Simply put, it’s about grabbing people’s attention. Since…

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How To Set Up A Company Page On LinkedIn To Complete Your LinkedIn Profile

For years, people saw LinkedIn as a great place to put your resume information. Over time, they have come to understand that LinkedIn is all about personal branding. While you do share your experience, you also want to illustrate your path and overall context about how you got to where you are today. As we…

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The Top 9 Mistakes People Make With Their LinkedIn Profile Picture

When it comes to LinkedIn, I would say that your profile picture is one of the most important factors for making new contacts. LinkedIn is all about personal branding and your profile picture is what makes a great first impression. I’ve seen thousands of LinkedIn profiles and there have been many times where I just…

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Save 50-70% Of Your Remarketing Budget With One Simple Fix

Placing a pixel on your site to remarket and retarget your website visitors is one of the smartest things you can possibly do with your website. This is especially true if you spend any money on advertising to send traffic to your website. There is no need to lose out on any potential prospects who…

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