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How To Grab People’s Attention On LinkedIn With Emojis

It feels so weird to be talking about Emojis when talking about LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the professional network and people on LinkedIn are all about business. Why would we want to talk about using what are essentially little cartoons on a professional social platform full of businesspeople? Simply put, it’s about grabbing people’s attention. Since…

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How To Set Up A Company Page On LinkedIn To Complete Your LinkedIn Profile

For years, people saw LinkedIn as a great place to put your resume information. Over time, they have come to understand that LinkedIn is all about personal branding. While you do share your experience, you also want to illustrate your path and overall context about how you got to where you are today. As we…

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The Top 9 Mistakes People Make With Their LinkedIn Profile Picture

When it comes to LinkedIn, I would say that your profile picture is one of the most important factors for making new contacts. LinkedIn is all about personal branding and your profile picture is what makes a great first impression. I’ve seen thousands of LinkedIn profiles and there have been many times where I just…

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Save 50-70% Of Your Remarketing Budget With One Simple Fix

Placing a pixel on your site to remarket and retarget your website visitors is one of the smartest things you can possibly do with your website. This is especially true if you spend any money on advertising to send traffic to your website. There is no need to lose out on any potential prospects who…

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LinkedIn Not Working For You? You’re Doing It Wrong.

What if I told you that you are settling for less when it comes to LinkedIn? I used to see a lot of complaints on LinkedIn about how it was turning into Facebook and how people were using the wrong medium. Not anymore. Want to know how? I started to think of LinkedIn as an…

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An Outdated Website Could Be Costing You Business

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it is outdated and could be costing you business. Why? What’s changed? Google’s bots continually crawl the internet, from link to link, indexing websites, and pages along the way. Google uses complicated algorithms to decide which sites it likes best. We are aware of some of the factors Google considers as…

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We All Need Each Other’s Small Business

I am going to admit something to you that I am very embarrassed to talk about. I think I am smart when it comes to building websites, creating online marketing plans, and helping people get results for their business online. But I am now ready to admit that when it comes to a lot of…

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How To Attract Amazing Prospects Through Blogging

Have you heard me talk about the four ACES? I learned them from Tony D. Baker while working in my first job in the industry at Xeal. It made a little bit of sense to me then but I understand all the steps now and how each part is important. The four ACES are: Attract…

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Entrepreneurs: You Need To Speak Up Or Starve!

I am an introvert. That’s why my relationship with computers is a perfect match. My computer never judges me. My computer never plots against me. At least that is what I think. I think I am an introvert. But as soon as I quit my job to follow my entrepreneurial dreams, I realized, even as…

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Stop Wasting Money On Your New Business

I’m going to tell you this story about a budding “entrepreneur” and some common mistakes. Then I am going to give you some suggestions below. Let’s get started. This is a story about Tom. Tom is a middle-aged guy who’s been working in his industry for nearly 20 years. There’s not much about his industry that…

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Who Are You?

If you’ve made it this far then it’s time to start building your identity.  That usually includes a few things. Again, if you’re already in business then you can probably skip this step. But it wouldn’t hurt for you to go through and review the steps to make sure you’ve hit all of the bases….

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It’s Time To Name That Business

If you already have a business name then this step is going to be fairly easy.  It’s time to start coming up with the name of your online presence. When choosing a name for your business, the task to find that name as a domain name can be daunting. But what most business owners don’t…

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What Does It Take To Get Your Business Online?

Every business needs a website.  Want to start a new business? The first test is whether or not you can have the discipline to get your website up. Your website is the equivalent of putting your shingle out there and telling the world that you are open for business. Why? Because we have access to…

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